Fahmi Kurniawan, Randi Rian Putra, Aldi Alvin


This paper discusses the implementation of a Village Information System (VIS) as a tool to optimize public services in Pertumbukan Village, Wampu District. The development and use of this system aim to improve the efficiency, transparency, and accessibility of village administrative services. By digitizing processes such as population data management, public service requests, and village development monitoring, the VIS enhances communication between village officials and residents, resulting in faster service delivery and reduced bureaucratic bottlenecks. The study involved qualitative methods, including interviews with local government officials and village residents, as well as system usability tests. The results indicate significant improvements in service delivery times, user satisfaction, and data accuracy. Additionally, the system has facilitated better resource management and accountability within the village administration. This research concludes that the Village Information System is an effective tool for enhancing public service delivery in rural areas and can serve as a model for other villages seeking to improve governance and public engagement through technology.


Village Information System, public service optimization, rural governance, digital administration.

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