Yossy Fadly, Dedi Purwanto, Ranti Eka Putri, Nahda Aulia Ade Pratiwi


This study investigates the impact of implementing the Secure Online Safe Exam Browser (SEB) in English semester examinations for undergraduate students in the Accounting program at Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi (UNPAB). The research aims to assess how SEB influences students' perceptions of ease of use, performance, expectations, and social impacts in the context of English language learning. A purposive sampling technique was employed, targeting active students from the 2021, 2022, and 2023 cohorts who utilized SEB during their English courses. Data were collected through a structured questionnaire with Likert-scale items measuring various independent variables and the dependent variable of semester examination performance. The findings are expected to provide insights into the effectiveness of SEB as a supportive tool for enhancing English language assessment, ultimately contributing to improved academic outcomes in the Accounting program. This study highlights the significance of technology integration in educational assessment and its potential to facilitate better learning experiences for students.


Secure Online Safe Exam Browser, Exam Model, English Language.

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