Rahayu Dwi Utami, Dwi Anggraini, Rian Farta Wijaya


Early Childhood Education in recent years This get great attention from various circles society . Even government through Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20/2003 proves his seriousness For give service education For child age early Attention big government to education child age early also more focused Again after The year 2011 was made as a Paudnization Movement , so that can jack up attention various party Good formally , informally and non-formally. Children aged early viewed as new individual to know the world. To That He Not yet know manners, be polite manners , rules , norms, ethics and various other related matters with life worldly . Improvement attitude discipline In cycle II, meeting I , there were 2 children (20%) who received criteria Start Developing , 8 children (80%) received criteria Develop As expected, while at the meeting secondly, 3 children (30%) received it criteria Develop As expected and 7 children (70%) got it criteria Developing Very Well . Average increase attitude discipline children at the meeting First by 69.07% and the meeting second 86.57%. In the cycle This attitude discipline child Already achieved .


Audio Visual Media, Discipline , Early Childhood

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