Zulham Zulham, Muhammad Eka, Hasan Khosasih


Increasing revenue is one measure of a company's success that must be monitored. A company certainly hopes that there will be revenue growth every year which is stated in the revenue target. Companies must provide the best service strategy to markets and customers, but companies are always constrained by determining this strategy.

The aim of this research is to design a system using the FP-Growth method to recommend which products sell more/sold simultaneously in retail form at CV. Kharisma Jaya. The problem faced is that it is difficult to determine recommendations for products that are often sold or purchased simultaneously in retail form and the large number of products that are produced but whose sales are not yet optimal. Therefore, the FP-Growth method is here to provide a solution.

With this system, it is hoped that it can solve problems by making the FP-Growth method an alternative solution for companies in minimizing losses and increasing sales.


Data Mining; FP-Growth; Algorithm; Customers.

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