Aidi Rahmat


The aim of this research is to discuss the explanation of the hadith regarding greening the environment. This research method uses qualitative methods through literature study with content analysis. The discussion of this research includes general views about the environment, hadith about environmental conservation, and environmental conservation efforts. This research concludes that Hadith as a guide for Muslims has an important meaning in efforts to provide environmentally based life guidelines. One of them is by trying to green the environment as a joint movement in practicing religious teachings. The Prophet saw. carry out and strive for quality ecology. One of them is contained in the hadith of the virtue of planting and the reward for those who plant it. The moral advice to always plant trees is highly appreciated in this hadith, which contains the concept of equality or balance between forest areas, industrial population, and agriculture and plantations. Thus, the ideal moral from this hadith can be used as a moral-theological basis in promoting environmental greening and criticism of those who commit destruction, especially conspiracies to cut down liars.


Hadith, greening, trees, environment

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