Siti Anisah, Zuraidah Tharo, Hamdani Hamdani, Albert Kenedy Butar Butar


Indonesia is a tropical country where getting sunlight all year round is a blessing that must be optimized, and wind energy that always blows is free of emissions and free of gases. The development of these two renewable energies answers the problem of energy depending on fossil energy which causes environmental damage. Utilization of the seasons is very helpful in producing a combination of wind and solar energy, this combination is called hybrid power, these two energy sources aim to complement each other in optimizing the electrical energy produced. This hybrid power plant has been tested and obtained some data, namely the wind speed of 3.9 m/s can produce output voltage on the vertical axis wind turbine of 3.20 Volts. The highest light intensity measured is 110,094 W/m² which produces an input power of 74,907 Watt Pin, 11,484 Watt Pout output power, with an efficiency of 15% on the solar module. Charging the battery from the initial condition of the 12.9 V/100 Ah battery to fully charged 13.64 V/100 Ah takes 25 hours with an average energy of 28.61 W VAWT per hour, and an average hourly energy of 32 solar modules. 66 Wp. And optimization of the performance of the hyrid generator system can operate for 5 hours with a load of 104 watts.

Keywords: Natural Resources, Renewable Energy, Combination Of Energy, Vertical Axis Wind Turbine, Solar Module, Optimization Of Hybrid Generator Performance.

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