Narita Mohd Noor, Rosmani Ali, Hamidi Salleh, Tengku Norazlan Tengku Sulaiman, Yusalina Yusof


The Pedagogical Capacity for Meaningful Learning (KPPB) is a new approach in the teaching and learning process that is relevant in today's global education. Meaningful learning occurs when students use content knowledge and skills to explore and create new knowledge and skills that can be used to solve problems in life. Therefore, this study was carried out to identify the implications of the implementation of KPPB on strengthening the leadership of student teachers from the aspects of knowledge, skills and actions. This study was conducted on a group of student teachers in their final year of study for the Bachelor's Degree Program at the Dato' Razali Ismail Campus Teacher Education Institution, Terengganu. The study is quantitative using a simple random sampling method. A total of 130 respondents out of 180 student teachers in their final year of study have answered the research questionnaire online. The study data was analyzed descriptively using SPSS software version 22. The findings of the study show that the implications of KPPB implementation on the strengthening of student teachers' leadership are at a high level with a mean value almost equal. The three aspects that were studied, namely knowledge obtained a mean of 8.08, the skill aspect with a mean of 8.10 and the action aspect with a mean of 7.95. This finding proves that the implementation of KPPB in the teaching and learning process is able to have a high impact on strengthening the leadership of student teachers. With that, the Malaysian Ministry of Education's efforts to realize quality education towards student achievement can be achieved by implementing a new approach in the teaching and learning process.

Keywords: Pedagogical Capacity of Meaningful Learning, Strengthening Leadership, Knowledge, Skills, Action.

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