Website Based Online Attendance Application For Employees And Teaching Staff at SMK Negeri 9 Medan

Hardiansyah Putra, Dian Yulis Wulandari, Anggi Ihwan Bagohwi Siregar


Attendance is a routine carried out by an employee and teaching staff at SMK Negeri 9 Medan to prove whether or not they are present in an activity, either work or other things. Online attendance can make it easier for employees and teaching staff at SMK Negeri 9 Medan to prove their presence in an activity using a device computer or smartphone. Currently, the attendance method is still carried out manual recording on employee and teaching staff attendance sheets. Where every employee and teaching staff who attend must fill in and sign as proof of attendance. This website-based online attendance cannot be done by employees and teaching staff if they are not in the school environment. This research produces a website-based online attendance information system that can be used by employees and teaching staff to prove their attendance without having to write and sign as proof of attendance and officers can export attendance data as reporting to the leadership.


Online; Website; Presence; Smartphone.

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