Implementation of RFID and IoT Technology in School Attendance System for Efficiency and Accuracy
This study discusses the application of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and IoT (Internet of Things) technology in a school attendance system designed to improve the efficiency and accuracy of student attendance recording. This system allows students to automatically record attendance by bringing their RFID cards close to the attendance device, which then stores attendance data in memory and sends it to the server via an IoT connection. Additional features, such as a timer for limiting attendance time, provide more control over student tardiness. The results of the study show that this system is able to record attendance quickly and accurately, with a fairly good operational endurance of 9 hours using batteries. Although there are limitations on data storage capacity, this system is still effective for use in schools with a moderate number of students. The implementation of this technology shows great potential in improving the efficiency of attendance management and data accuracy in educational environments.
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