Implementation Of A Web-Based Customer Relationship Management Application At The Diana Tupperware Store

Khairul Khairul, Ghiffari Anastama


This research aims to design and implement a web-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system at the Diana Tupperware Store. The problem identified is the need for a system that can facilitate the management of customer data, goods data, transaction data and handling complaints efficiently to improve the quality of customer service. This research uses the waterfall system development method which involves the stages of analysis, design, implementation and testing. Design implementation is carried out by taking into account the minimum hardware and software specifications that support optimal system performance. Testing was carried out using black box testing techniques, and the test results showed that this CRM system was functioning well and it was hoped that an increase in the quality of customer service could be achieved, and the store could provide more responsive service, which had the potential to increase customer loyalty


Customer Relationship Management, Web, Metode waterfall.

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