Public Service Information System In Kota Datar Village

Fahmi Izhari


The application of information systems in public services has become an urgent need to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public administration. This study aims to design and implement a Public Service Information System in Kota Datar Village. This system is designed to facilitate various administrative needs of residents, such as birth and death registration, requests for certificates, and information on village activities. Through survey methods, interviews, and secondary data analysis, the needs and expectations of residents and village officials for this system are identified and integrated into the system design. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of this information system can improve the speed, transparency, and accountability of public services in Kota Datar Village. In addition, this system also contributes to community empowerment through easier access to information and active participation in village development. In conclusion, the implementation of the Public Service Information System in Kota Datar Village is an important step in efforts to modernize village administration and improve the quality of life of residents.


public services, Kota Datar Village, life of residents.

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