Education On The AR Application To Get To Know Android-Based Herbal Medicinal Plants

Leni Marlina, Aswandi Aswandi, Riri Fatmawati


The body's reaction to a foreign object entering the respiratory system causes coughing, a mild symptom of the disease. Factors such as air pollution, unhealthy food and drink, and weather conditions are the most common causes of coughing experienced by residents of the five-park klambir village. minimal public interest and knowledge about the benefits and,  People choose the right herbal medicine plant processing. Instant drugs are sold because they are considered much more effective, though. If you take instant medication frequently, you are at risk of experiencing side effects and will have a negative impact on your health if used in the long term. The development of Augmented Reality technology used on smartphones will greatly help attract the attention of the community of five gardens to recognize and supervise herbal medicinal plants to treat cough medicine.


Augmented Reality, 3D, Apps, Herbal Plants, Android.

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