Implementation Of Qris As A Means Of Payment For Entrance Tickets In The Mangrove Forest Tourism Of Cermin Beach
This community service activity aims to socialize the use of QRIS (Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard) as a means of paying for entrance tickets at the Cermin Beach Mangrove Forest Tourism. QRIS is a QR code standard developed by Bank Indonesia to facilitate fast, easy, and secure cashless transactions. This socialization was carried out to increase the understanding and ability of the community and tourism managers in utilizing digital payment technology, so that it can increase the efficiency and convenience of transactions at tourist attractions.
The methods used in this activity include counseling, training, and direct simulation of the use of QRIS. The socialization participants consisted of tour managers, traders around the tourist area, and visitors. The results of this activity showed that there was an increase in participants' understanding of QRIS and their ability to use it as a means of payment. In addition, this activity also succeeded in encouraging the adoption of QRIS in the Cermin Beach Mangrove Forest Tourism, which is expected to support an increase in tourist visits and operational efficiency of tourist attractions.
This activity is expected to be an example for other tourist destinations in adopting digital payment technology, so that it can encourage digital transformation in the tourism sector. Evaluation and monitoring of the use of QRIS will continue to be carried out to ensure sustainability and optimize the benefits of this socialization activity.Keywords
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