Hendrik Situmorang, Cut Nuraini


This research aims to examine Spatial and Infrastructure Planning: Integration of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road in the Development of Asahan Regency. The qualitative approach in this study, which uses data triangulation, in-depth interviews, observations, and thematic analysis, provides a comprehensive guide to assess the impact of toll road infrastructure on regional development. This method allows for a deep understanding of various viewpoints, from governments to local communities, and provides useful information in the planning and development of sustainable and inclusive infrastructure. Research Results With effective integration, the Trans Sumatra Toll Road has the potential to improve the welfare of the people of Asahan Regency through economic growth, job availability, and easier access to various public services. Increasing community income and absorbing local labor are the expected results of the development of this infrastructure-based area. The presence of toll roads provides a basis for the development of other supporting infrastructure, such as educational, health facilities, and commercial areas around the toll road, which will enrich the quality of life of the community and increase the attractiveness of the Asahan Regency area as an economic center in North Sumatra. To optimize the benefits of the integration of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road for the development of the Asahan Regency area, sustainable planning is needed with a focus on inter-agency collaboration and community participation. With adequate policy support, this toll infrastructure can be a catalyst for inclusive long-term economic growth, as well as improve people's welfare equally.


Spatial Planning, Infrastructure, Integration of Trans Sumatra Toll Road and Regional Development of Asahan Regency.

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