This research aims to research the Development of the Potential of the Ponot Waterfall Stairs Tourism Village in the Context of the Development of the Asahan Regency Area. This research uses a qualitative approach. This approach was chosen because the researcher wanted to explore the potential, challenges, and expectations of the community related to the development of the Ponot Waterfall Ladder Tourism Village in depth. Researchers will conduct in-depth interviews with local communities, tourism managers, and other related parties to obtain comprehensive information on the potential and challenges of tourism village development. Researchers will compare data obtained from various sources, such as interviews, observations, and documents. Member Check The researcher will verify the findings of the study by asking for feedback from key informants to ensure that the resulting interpretation is in accordance with their views. The research method used in this study aims to explore the potential, challenges, and development strategies of the Ponot Waterfall Ladder Tourism Village. The results of the Ponot Waterfall Stairs Tourism Village have extraordinary natural beauty, especially the existence of waterfalls which are the main attraction. The development of tourism in this village is expected to have a positive impact on the local economy. Community involvement in the planning and management of tourism villages is essential to ensure that the benefits of tourism development are felt directly by them. Tourism development must be carried out with a sustainable approach, maintaining a balance between economic growth and environmental conservation.
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