Strategies To Improve Employee Performance Through Training, Career Development And Employee Work Motivation (Study At PT. Weltes Energi Nusantara)

Mayumi Clodya Saragih, M. Chaerul Rizky


Companies are required to have an effective strategy in optimizing the potential of employees in order to achieve organizational goals to the maximum. This research aims to analyze and understand in depth the strategy of improving employee performance through training programs, career development, and work motivation at PT Weltes Energi Nusantara. The research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method to gain an understanding of the phenomenon being studied. Data collection was carried out through interviews with 15 informants consisting of HRD managers, supervisors, and employees who were selected using purposive sampling techniques. In addition, researchers also conduct direct observation and documentation studies to enrich research data. Primary data is obtained through interviews and observations, while secondary data is obtained from company documents such as training reports, career development records, and documents related to employee performance. Data analysis uses the Miles and Huberman interactive model which includes data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawn, supported by triangulation techniques to ensure the validity of the data. The results of the study show that performance assessment using the 360-degree method is proven to be effective in providing comprehensive and objective evaluations. Training programs that include technical aspects, soft skills, and industry knowledge show a positive impact on improving employee performance. Transparent career development managed to reduce turnover rates from 12% to 7% in one year, showing a significant increase in employee retention. Motivational strategies through financial and non-financial incentives, as well as the creation of a conducive work environment have proven to be effective in increasing employee productivity. This research makes a practical contribution to companies in developing integrated human resource management strategies to improve employee performance.


employee performance, training, career development, work motivation.

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