The Influence Of Service Recovery Social Media And Syariah Hospitality On Guest Satisfaction Which Is Mediated By Perceived Value At Three Hotels In Banda Aceh City
The hospitality industry in Indonesia, especially in Banda Aceh, is rapidly growing in line with the increasing demand for comfortable and high-quality accommodations. However, in order to remain competitive in a challenging market, hotels must improve service quality to meet guest expectations and enhance their satisfaction. This study aims to analyze the influence of service quality improvement, social media, and sharia-based services on guest satisfaction, mediated by guest value, in three-star hotels in Banda Aceh. This research employs a quantitative approach with a survey design, involving 200 respondents who have stayed at three-star hotels in Banda Aceh in the past year. Data were collected through a questionnaire using a 5-point Likert scale and analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) based on Partial Least Squares (PLS). The results show that service quality, sharia-based services, and social media have a significant influence on guest value, which in turn affects guest satisfaction. Guest value serves as a mediator that strengthens the relationship between service quality, sharia-based services, and guest satisfaction. This research provides strategic insights for hotel managers to improve service quality, optimally utilize social media, and implement sharia-based services to enhance guest satisfaction and loyalty.
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