The Impact Of Organizational Culture & Gender Awareness On Women's Involvement In The Blue Economy

M. Chaerul Rizky, Yohny Anwar, Noni Ardian


This study investigates the factors influencing women’s involvement in the blue economy in Langkat Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Despite significant growth in the fishing industry, women’s participation remains limited due to barriers such as non-inclusive organizational cultures and low gender awareness. Using a survey of 30 women from Langkat's coastal areas, the research explores the roles of organizational culture, gender awareness, and economic welfare in promoting women’s engagement in marine sectors. The study proposes five hypotheses, testing the direct and indirect effects of these variables on women’s involvement. Findings show that organizational culture and gender awareness have a positive and significant impact on women’s participation, while economic welfare acts as an intervening variable, strengthening these effects. The results underscore the need for inclusive organizational cultures and heightened gender awareness to enhance women’s participation in the blue economy. However, challenges remain, particularly in ensuring that economic benefits are equitably shared. The study concludes that fostering inclusive environments and improving household welfare are key strategies for maximizing women’s contributions to the blue economy. Future research with broader data coverage is recommended.


Organizational Culture; Gender Awareness; Women's Involvement, Blue Economy; Household Economic Welfare.

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