The Impact Of Transliteration Method In The Tradition Of Reading And Understanding The Quran At Madrasah Aliyah Swasta Amaliyah Sunggal

Charles Rangkuti, Rustam Ependi, Muhammad Yunan Harahap, Riza Rahma


The paper aims to analyze the impact of the transliteration method in the tradition of reading and understanding the Quran at Madrasah Aliyah Swasta Amaliyah Sunggal. The transliteration method, as a phonetic approach that converts Arabic text into Latin script, is used to help students who have difficulty in reading the Quran. This study used a qualitative approach with observation, interview, and documentation techniques to obtain data regarding the application and effectiveness of the transliteration method in this madrasah. The results show that the transliteration method is able to improve students' ability to pronounce and understand the reading of the Quran, especially for students who have a minimal background in Quran education. However, there are shortcomings in the aspects of fluency and accuracy of machraj and tajweed that have the potential to affect the understanding and quality of Al-Quran reading. Overall, this method has a positive impact as a first step in teaching Al-Quran, but it needs to be balanced with learning Arabic letters so that students can read more fluently and accurately.


Transliteration, Reading The Quran, Understanding The Quran.

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