Afifah Nurul Khoirot Nasution


This research explores the comparison of children's character formation between conventional schools and homeschooling. The research focus involves analysis of the impact of the social environment, interpersonal interactions, and educational methods on children's character development. Conventional schools, with their advantages in providing extensive social interaction and a structured curriculum, are compared to homeschooling which offers curriculum flexibility and a more personalized learning experience. Through a literature review and empirical research, this research examines how conventional schools and homeschooling each influence critical aspects of character formation, such as social skills, empathy, self-confidence, and independence. The findings of this research contribute to an in-depth understanding of the implications of education for the formation of children's character, providing a valuable perspective for parents, educators and educational practitioners in making informed decisions regarding children's educational choices


Parental Decision -Making, Educational Impact, Education Comparison, Child’s Personality Formation.

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