Wahyu Hidayat


Global awareness of the value of preserving the environment and traditional ways of life is driving up demand for conservation tourism. Aiming to raise the economic status and living standards of their citizens, numerous nations are attempting to cultivate community-based tourism in preparation of this trend. Additionally, people will be inspired to improve many elements of their lives, such historical preservation and environmental conservation, knowing that visitors will be visiting their towns. Research in the fields of tourism and community empowerment are combined to create community-based tourism (CBT) (Local Wisdom). The aim of this study is to apply the Structural Equation Model (SEM) method to construct the notion of a tourism development model based on local wisdom. Because there are multiple explanations for real-world phenomena in the field, CBT research is multifaceted.

Keywords: Tourism Development, Local Wisdom, Community Based Tourism, Structural Equation Model (SEM)

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