Barany Fachri


Abstract:  The regional entity that deals with tourism in the forest is the Department of Tourism and Culture, which manages the nine tourist attractions in the garden. The reporting of income from the sale of tickets from each tourist attraction to the Department of Tourism and Forest Culture is still done manually and often leads to errors in the reporting. Based on the following issues, innovation is needed to facilitate the control and reporting of tourist attraction ticket sales. Therefore, this research has created a website Information System Ticket Reporting. Its purpose is to facilitate the control of the Tourist Attractions Ticket Report on the Tourism and Culture Service of Kebumen. This website uses the Waterfall method that consists of analysis, design, encoding and testing as well as entity relationship diagrams in database design. From the test results using Blackbox testing with 5 modules that are tested in between when performing Login either matching or not matching the username and password, then Drop Stock, Ticket Sales Report and Ticket Stock Report. Results All outputs from the system can run and match what is expected. With a website-based information system this can control directly anywhere without having to visit each of the tourist attractions as a daily report of tickets sales along with money revenue and at the same time can see the drop stock of tickets in each tourist attraction.

Keywords: Website; Information Systems; Tourism and Cultural Services of Gumen; Tourist Objects; Waterfall Methods

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