Hendry Hendry


Abstract:  This research aims to build and create an Android-based cinema application for the city of Medan to enable viewers to choose films, buy tickets boldly, avoid long queues, and optimize audience time, especially for the people of Medan and its surroundings. This research was conducted using a software development approach based on the Waterfall method. Requirements analysis, system design, application implementation, testing, and maintenance are the stages of research. The implementation of this application is made using the React Native framework and the JavaScript programming language. During the implementation process, features such as login pages, movie listings, and ticket bookings are created. Functional, integration and performance testing are included in the black box testing method. Users provide feedback on usability, satisfaction, and suggestions for improvement through evaluation. The results of this study are expected to produce an Android-based cinema application that can meet the needs of users in Medan. This application is expected to help users of cinema tickets online, overcome the problem of ordering time, many transactions, and complicated processes. In addition, it is hoped that this research will contribute to the development of React Native based applications and other related studies.

Keywords: Cinema Tickets, Android, React Native

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Keywords: Cinema Tickets, Android, React Native.

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