Market Identification And Animal Welfare Aspects In Asahan Regency

R.S. Munthe, K. Sinaga, M.A Kurniawan


This study aims to identify the market profile and animal welfare aspects in the trade flow at the Asahan District Animal Market. The research was conducted from February to April 2024 in Air Batu Sub-district, Air Teluk Village, North Sumatra. Descriptive method with purposive sampling was applied to obtain primary data through direct observation and interviews with cattle traders in the animal market. Secondary data were collected from various related agencies. The results showed that the Asahan District Animal Market is a traditional market that supports cattle trading activities but still faces challenges in implementing animal welfare. This can be seen from the aspect of livestock handling that involves force such as pulling and whipping, which can increase stress in livestock. Based on animal welfare standards, such handling does not fully fulfil ideal animal welfare principles, such as freedom from pain and stress.In conclusion, improved facilities and stricter SOPs are needed to ensure animal welfare in markets, including adequate handling equipment and proper supervision. This research is expected to serve as a reference for relevant parties to improve animal welfare aspects in traditional markets


Livestock Market, Asahan Regency, Animal Welfar.e

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