Music and Dance Performing Arst Building in Gunung Sitoli City with a Neo-Vernacular Architecture Approach

Cut Nuraini, Yulianus Juniato Ndruru


Performing arts are an important part of culture that continues to develop from time to time. The development of art cannot be separated from the involvement of artists who also take part in it. In the city of Gunungsitoli, quite a lot of art practitioners and fans are gathered in studios and communities. The city of Gunungsitoli, Nias, which is said to be rich in arts and culture, should have proper performing arts building facilities capable of accommodating various types of arts activities, especially music and dance. Apart from that, the performing arts building can be used as a cultural and tourism node so that in the future it can support the economic growth of Gunungsitoli City. The music and dance performance building that will be designed uses Neo-Vernacular architecture. This performance building will be designed with a combination of vernacular architecture and contemporary architecture. Neo-vernacular is architecture that has the principle of considering the role of local culture in community life, rules, the environment and nature. By using a Neo-Vernacular Architecture approach which incorporates local cultural and architectural principles, the design of this performing arts building will support the preservation of arts and culture and adapt to current developments without losing the original characteristics of a region.


Performing Arts Building, Neo-Vernacular Architecture, Gunung Sitoli.

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