Design And Development Of A Web-Based Attendance Information System Using Qr Code Technology

Muslim Muslim, Ajun Ramadani, Fachrid Wadly


The attendance system is a system used to record the presence and absence of a person at an agency or how the process of recording an attendance is carried out, while attendance is a document that records the attendance hours of each worker or student. Obtaining attendance data manually certainly has many shortcomings. Some of these shortcomings include invalid data caused by incorrect data, loss or damage to existing data. Moreover, doing it in the traditional way using sheets of paper as an attendance medium, of course this paper media is susceptible to damage. Related to this, the basis for the idea of creating a web-based attendance information system emerged by utilizing QR Code (Quick Responsive Code) technology which can minimize problems with manual attendance systems. The results of the study are in the form of a web-based attendance information system design using QR Code. A web-based attendance information system utilizing QR Code technology is expected to help many parties in managing the attendance system to be more effective and efficient.


Design, Information System, Attendance, QR Code.

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