Test of the Soaking Time of ZPT Moringa Leaf Extract and the Combination of Planting Media on the Growth of Robusta Coffee Seedlings (Coffea canephora var. robusta)

Sri Mahareni Br Sitepu, Zamriyeti Zamriyeti, Devi Andriani Luta, Windi Ely Syahfitri


Robusta coffee cultivation can be done in two ways, namely vegetatively and generatively (seeds), cultivation using seeds often experiences obstacles due to the hard nature of coffee beans, the use of ZPT is one way to help the germination process of coffee beans, In addition, the growth of coffee plants can also be influenced by the planting media used to live and obtain nutrients. This study used a Complete Randomized Block Design (RAK) with 2 factors and 3 blocks so that 36 research plots were obtained. Factor 1: duration of soaking of the moringa leaf extract growth regulator (T) consisting of 4 levels, namely: T0: 0 hours, T1: 6 hours, T2: 12 hours, T3: 18 hours. Factor 2: combination of planting media symbolized by (M) consisting of 4 levels, namely: M0: top soil, M1: top soil + rice husk charcoal + goat manure (2: 1: 1), M2: top soil + rice husk charcoal + chicken manure (2: 1: 1). The results showed that the soaking time of the Moringa leaf extract growth regulator did not have a significant effect on all observation parameters. The combination of planting media had a significant effect on the height of the coffee plant but did not have a significant effect on the number of coffee leaves. The interaction of the two treatments did not have a significant effect on all observation parameters.


Coffee, ZPT, Planting Media, Nursery

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