Web-Based Immunirec Information System As A Digitalization Innovation Of The Pink Book To Improve Effectiveness And Efficiency In Immunization Data Recording

Nova Mayasari, Putri Annisa Harahap, Wirda Fitriani


The pink book is a book commonly used as a medium for recording the immunization data of infants and children in Indonesia. This book has long been an important part of the healthcare service process. Some benefits of the pink book include recording a child's development from birth and being required as proof of health history for school registration purposes. The research method used in this study is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach, namely conducting interviews with healthcare workers to understand the immunization data recording process carried out at one of the independent midwife practices as a basis for creating a digital-based immunization data recording system. The results obtained include several findings relevant to the objectives of this study, such as reduced recording time, increased data accuracy, and ease in the reporting process. Based on the research results, the implementation of the Web-Based Immunirec Information System as a digitalization innovation of the Pink Book to improve the effectiveness and efficiency in recording immunization data shows a very good improvement in the process of recording and generating immunization data reports.


Sistem Informasi, Immunirec, website, data imunisasi.

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