Cashier System In Coffee Shop For Payment Efficiency

Aminuddin Indra Permana


In an era of tight business competition, operational efficiency is the key to success for coffee shops. One important aspect that can improve this efficiency is the cashier system. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of a computer-based cashier system in coffee shops to improve payment and operational efficiency. Using observation, survey, and interview data, this study identified that a modern cashier system not only speeds up the transaction process, but also improves the accuracy of sales recording, stock management, and financial reports. The implementation of a computer-based cashier system showed a 30% decrease in transaction time, an 85% increase in recording accuracy, and a 90% increase in customer satisfaction. Although there are challenges such as staff training and technical integration, the long-term benefits of this system are very significant in improving service quality and operational efficiency. This study concludes that the use of a computer-based cashier system is an important strategic step for coffee shops to compete and thrive in a competitive market.


coffee shops, cashier, transaction process, customer satisfaction.

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