The Effect Of Typhonium Flagelliforme Leaf Meal On The Growth Quality Of Pekin Ducks

Andhika Putra, Gunawan Gunawan, Tengku Gilang Pradana


This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of using Typhonium flagelliforme leaf meal as an alternative feed for Pekin ducks. The primary challenge addressed in this study is the limited availability of high-quality, sustainable feed for Pekin ducks. The method used in this research was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments: P0 (100% standard feed), P1 (95% feed + 5% Typhonium flagelliforme leaf meal), P2 (90% feed + 10% Typhonium flagelliforme leaf meal), and P3 (85% feed + 15% Typhonium flagelliforme leaf meal), with five replications per treatment. The observed parameters included feed consumption, weight gain, and feed conversion ratio. The results showed that the use of Typhonium flagelliforme leaf meal significantly affected all three parameters. Treatment P2 produced the best results in terms of feed consumption, weight gain, and feed efficiency. The conclusion suggests that adding 10% Typhonium flagelliforme leaf meal to the feed can enhance the performance of Pekin ducks. Further studies are recommended to evaluate different feed combinations.


Pekin Duck, Typhonium flagelliforme, Feed Intake, Weight Gain, Feed Conversion Ratio.

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