Growth Of Robusta Coffee Beans (Coffea Robusta L.) Through The Application Of Organic Fertilizer With A System Environmentally Friendly

Andi Setiawan, Suryani Sajar, Hazrul Azwar Marpaung


The specialty coffee market, including organic coffee, is a great opportunity for Indonesia. Organic coffee is produced with the principle of sustainable agriculture, paying attention to the preservation of natural resources, environmental security, and human health. Coffee nurseries aim to provide high-quality coffee seeds. This study aims to determine the response of coconut shell biochar production with a retort system and the application of cow kohe fertilizer to the growth of Robusta coffee plant seedlings (Coffea robusta L.). This research method uses a randomized design of factorial groups (racks) consisting of 2 factors with 16 treatment combinations and 2 replicates so that 32 research plots are obtained. The factors studied were coconut shell biochar with the symbol "B", namely B0 = no biochar, B1 = 20% dose, B2 = 30% dose, B3 = 40% dose. The treatment factors of Cow Fertilizer with the symbol "S" are Control (S0) = no Cow Fertilizer, S1 = gram dose of 10 tons/ha, S2 = 20 tons/ha, S3 = 30 tons/ha. The parameters measured in this study were plant height, number of leaves, Stem Diameter, Wet Weight of Roots, Dry Weight of Roots


Coffee , Nursery, Organic, Eco Friendly

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