Chyntia Dewi Elviera


This paper aims to present opinions on how social integration can improve the community's economy and support existing economic activities. Here, social integration is needed so that this does not happen and besides that, social integration does not only unite people's thoughts but can also improve people's welfare if in the right context. Because as we know, Indonesia is currently being hit by an epidemic in which a lot of companies are harming the economy so that it disrupts the community's economy. Social integration is the process of creating unity, inclusion and participation at all levels of society in the diversity of personal characteristics so that everyone can be free to be who they want to be. Personal attributes include socioeconomic class, age, gender, sexual preferences and expressions, political ideas, ethnic and cultural characteristics, religion, nationality (country of origin), and geographic origin region, etc. Social integration allows people, regardless of their characteristics, to enjoy the same opportunities, rights and services available to the so-called dominant group. The business innovation in this paper is applied by applying AGIL theory through 4 important functions needed in the social integration system in meeting the economic needs of the transmigrant population and local residents: Adaptation (Adaptation), Goal Attainment (Achieving Goals), Integration (Integration), Latency (Latency). or Pattern Maintenance). Parsons explains his AGIL concept through a structural system of actions that includes behavioral organisms, social systems, cultural systems and personality systems. Behavioral organisms are action systems that carry out adaptation functions by adapting (adjusting) to the environment and also changing their external environment. While the personality system functions to carry out the function of achieving goals by setting system goals and mobilizing resources to achieve them. Then the social system copes with the function of integration by controlling the parts that are its components. Finally, the cultural system performs the function of maintaining patterns by providing a set of values and norms that motivate actors to act. Parsons' AGIL schema design is used at all levels in his system theory. In the language of the four parsons action systems using the AGIL scheme.

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