Lukman Hakim Siregar, Nurhayati Nurhayati, Yenni Samri Juliati Nasution


 Bank Sumut through the Sharia Business Unit division has met the requirements that have been stipulated in the laws and regulations. This gives Bank Sumut the authority to operate and develop Cash Waqf productively. After being appointed as a Money Waqf Collection Institution by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, but over time there was a stagnation in its existence, the Bank Sumut began to rise again, but the problem of Literacy was the biggest homework for Human Resources in the Bank Sumut to build good thinking from the internal and external sides. Researchers examine this research in more depth with an interview method with the Cash Waqf coordinator accompanied by documentation and will be processed with qualitative analysis techniques. There are discussions and results that several efforts have been made by Bank Sumut in increasing its existence and role as a Cash Waqf nazhir through the sharia division, from the internal side, namely changing the paradigm that Cash Waqf will provide benefits to Bank Sumut because there there is no need for Cost of Funds on waqaf funds stored in wadiah accounts so that it is more profitable from Bank Sumut and also improves from the information technology side. Meanwhile, on the external side, namely by collaborating with several money waqf managers and education institutions, local governments and the private sector. namely changing the paradigm that Cash Waqf will provide benefits to Bank Sumut because there is no need for Cost of Funds on waqaf funds stored in wadiah accounts so that it is more profitable from Bank Sumut and also improves from the information technology side. Meanwhile, on the external side, namely by collaborating with several money waqf managers and education institutions, local governments and the private sector. namely changing the paradigm that Cash Waqf will provide benefits to Bank Sumut because there is no need for Cost of Funds on waqaf funds stored in wadiah accounts so that it is more profitable from Bank Sumut and also improves from the information technology side. Meanwhile, on the external side, namely by collaborating with several money waqf managers and education institutions, local governments and the private sector.

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