Management Tahfidz Qoran Program In PPTQH Al-Faiz

Andi Suhendra Siregar


Tahfidz qur’an and hadith al-faiz islamic boarding school is an integration of the tahfidz al-qur’an program with madrasah education. With the integration of this program, it is necessary to manage the tahfidz al-qur’an program so that the objectives of this program are achieved and run effectively and efficiently. The purpose of the research is to find out: the results achieved in the management of the Tahfidz Al Quran program at the Tahfidz Al-Quran Islamic Boarding School and Al-Faiz Hadith. This study uses qualitative descriptive research methods and data collection techniques through interviews, observations, documentation and copying. The management of the Tahfidz Al-Quran program is carried out starting from planning, organizing, motivating, supervising and evaluating the program so that the Tahfidz Al-Quran program can run effectively and efficiently. Improvements in learning, human resources and infrastructure facilities continue to be carried out to improve the quality of education. The Tahfidz Al-Quran program at the Tahfidz Qur'an Islamic Boarding School and Al-Faiz Hadith produces students who are accomplished, independent and have noble character.


Management, Tahfidz Al-Qur’an Program.

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