The Quranic Ethical Concepts In Environmental Conservation

Zamakhsyari bin Hasballah Thaib


The purpose of this study is to discuss the five Qur’anic ethical concepts related to environmental conservation. This research method uses a qualitative method through literature study with content analysis. The discussion of this study includes environmental issues in the view of the Qur'an, and an explanation of the five ethical concepts of the Qur'an regarding environmental conservation, which include the concepts of faqr, fikr and zikir, shabr, zuhud, and hubb. This study concludes that these five ethical concepts of the Qur'an are able to provide a positive impact on environmental conservation efforts and are able to provide solutions to various problems related to the environmental crisis that is happening in the world today.


Qur’anic Ethical Concepts, Enviromental Conservation, Thematic Interpretation.

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