Pop Up Book Media Depelopment To Improve Early Childhood Sexual Knowledge Ummul Habibah Paud Kelambir V Village Hamparan Perak District Deli Serdang Regency

Asmidar Parapat, Sofni Indah Arifa Lubis, Zannatunnisya Zannatunnisya, Rahma Aulia


The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) noted that there are increasing cases of sexual violence against Indonesian children. In 2022 there were around 393 victims of sexual violence from 66 perpetrators. Meanwhile, at the beginning of 2023, namely from January to February, cases of sexual violence had reached 117 victims with 22 perpetrators. The fact that sexual violence against children is increasing makes us aware of the importance of protecting children from the threat of sexual violence. One of the efforts that can be made to protect children from cases of sexual violence is by providing information and understanding of sexual education so that children can protect themselves from the threat of sexual violence. In this study, the author conducted research on increasing sexual knowledge in children through pop-up book media. Pop-up Book is a book that provides the potential for movement or the emergence of objects and interactions by using paper mechanisms in the form of folds, rolls, slides, touches or rotations. With objects that can appear from the book, it is hoped that pop-up book media can arouse children's interest and attention towards the sexual education material provided. This study aims to: (1) Determine the suitability of pop-up book media to improve understanding of sexual education in children aged 5-6 years. The subjects in this study were children at PAUD Ummul Habibah, Kelambir V Village, aged 5-6 years, totaling 24 children. This type of research is research and development or Research and Development (R&D) which uses the Borg & Gall model. The results of the study show that pop-up book media can increase sexual knowledge in children aged 5-6 years.


Pop Up Book Media Ability, Knowledge Sexual, Early Childhood.

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