Isra Adawiyah Siregar, Sehat Mahendra Harahap, Aini Maimanah


This study aims to determine how the management of educators and education staff at MTs Nurussalam, Deli Tua District, Deli Serdang Regency. This research seeks to explain how the procurement of educators and education staff at MTs Nurussalam Deli Tua, how the process of coaching, developing educators and education staff at MTs Nurussalam Deli Tua and how to promote and transfer educators and education staff at MTs Nurussalam Deli Tua and how is the assessment of educators and education staff at MTs Nurussalam Deli Tua. The method used in this research is qualitative. Data collection techniques used observation techniques, interviews and documentation study techniques to obtain valid data on how to manage educators and education staff. This research was conducted at MTs Nurussalam Jl. Roso, Mekar Sari Village, Deli Tua District, Deli Serdang Regency. As for the results of the study, it is known that the management of educators and education staff at MTs Nurussalam Deli Tua is running well. In recruiting educators, firstly, a job analysis of educators and education personnel in what field is needed, after that interviews and reading tests of the Qur'an are carried out. Guidance and development of educators is carried out by calling sources from outside to discuss, while coaching and development for educational staff is carried out by the Ministry of Religion of Deli Serdang and education staff always try to keep up with it. Then the promotion and transfer of educators is carried out every 2 years and the promotion and transfer of educational staff is carried out every 4 years.

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