Manysur Hidayat Pasaribu



Abstract: The purpose of this research is to discuss the valuation of environmentally friendly madrasa programs in improving teacher performance at MTs Negeri 3 Medan. The research method is a qualitative case study. The results of this research are: Mts Negeri 2 Medan in the following description: 1. The environmentally friendly madrasa program at Mts Negeri 2 Medan started with the appointment by the education office by looking at the potential that madrasas have, then madrasas have awareness to protect and manage the environment, this is stated in the vision and missmadrasah. 2. The development of an environmentally friendly madrasa program is developed through the vision and mission of the madrasa, the madrasa curriculum, program outreach, learning resources, madrasa cooperation, the role of madrasa residents, madrasa and student achievements, madrasa regulations, and madrasa organizations. 3. The development of environmentally friendly madrasa program activities is developed through activities organized by madrasas, activities that madrasas participate in with external parties as organizers, as well as madrasah efforts in implementing environmentally friendly madrasa programs. 4. The development and management of environmentally friendly supporting infrastructure is developed through the provision of infrastructure to address environmental problems in madrasas including clean water and the provision of separate bins and composters. Provision of infrastructure to support environmental learning in madrasah includes composting, water utilization and treatment, forests/parks/madrasah gardens, green houses, toga, fish ponds and biopori. Maintaining environmentally friendly madrasah facilities and infrastructure including spaces with lighting and natural air ventilation, maintenance and arrangement of trees, and choosing the use of paving blocks in madrasah land. Utilizing electricity, water and stationery through savings and warning boards and improving the quality of healthy and environmentally friendly canteen services. 5. Evaluation of the environmentally friendly madrasah program is carried out through regular meetings, as well as meetings held every week, quarterly, semester and annually. The meeting was held to find out how the environmentally friendly madrasa program was implemented. 6. Internal factors supporting the implementation of the environmentally friendly madrasa program are complete madrasa facilities and infrastructure and the role of madrasa residents. 7. External factors supporting the implementation of the environmentally friendly madrasa program are training from outside parties, funds and infrastructure assistance as well as madrasa cooperation with parties outside the madrasa. 8. Internal factors inhibiting the implementation of the environmentally friendly madrasa program, namely the lack of awareness of madrasa residents, the absence of written regulations and sanctions, several madrasa activities have stopped and the environmentally friendly madrasa program has not been socialized to the public. 9. External factors inhibiting the implementation of environmentally friendly madrasa programs, namely the different characters and backgrounds of students. there are no written regulations and sanctions, several madrasa activities have stopped and the environmentally friendly madrasa program has not been socialized to the community. 9. External factors inhibiting the implementation of environmentally friendly madrasa programs, namely the different characters and backgrounds of students. there are no written regulations and sanctions, several madrasa activities have stopped and the environmentally friendly madrasa program has not been socialized to the community. 9. External factors inhibiting the implementation of environmentally friendly madrasa programs, namely the different characters and backgrounds of students.


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